Cataract surgery is one of the most common surgeries performed worldwide. In fact, over 3 million procedures are performed every year in the United States alone. Cataract surgery involves the removal of the cloudy lens so it can be replaced with a clear artificial intraocular lens (IOL). Today this process can be adapted to help you achieve the clear vision you deserve to live the lifestyle you love.
At Pendleton Eye Center, we are proud to offer our patients the very latest technologies for cataract removal and replacement IOLs. Our No Stitch, No Patch, No Injection technique can be completely tailored to your unique eye anatomy and vision goals.
One of the most important decisions you will make regarding your cataract surgery is the type of IOL implant you’d like used during Cataract Surgery. Below is a quick overview of the packages offered at Pendleton Eye Center.
Cataract Surgery Overview:
Our laser cataract surgery method replaces critical manual steps of the surgery and can greatly reduce or eliminate the need for ultrasonic energy to break up the cloudy lens. Creating the circular capsulorrhexis incision with a laser is the most accurate and reproducible method possible to create the desired size and shape of this important incision. The laser also fragments the lens so it can be more efficiently removed and can be used to reduce post-operative astigmatism. All of these steps combined allow for precise internal placement of the new IOL.
At Pendleton Eye Center, we have invested in the LENSAR© laser system and Cassini pre-operative testing for laser cataract surgery. Our No Stitch, No Patch, No Injection cataract surgery technique is the most advanced method for cataract removal and offers greater precision over the manual technique. We will only recommend laser cataract surgery if we feel it will provide superior results for you.
At Pendleton Eye Center, we offer Optiwave® Refractive Analysis (ORA) technology during cataract surgery We find that this technology allows our team unprecedented accuracy when verifying eye measurements and fine tuning the lens implant power during cataract surgery. It can be especially beneficial for patients with a history of prior eye surgery and is strongly recommended for patients with a prior history of LASIK or PRK.
This system allows us to access real-time information about your eye to:
Manual cataract surgery has been performed for decades to help patients with cloudy, blurry, dull vision experience life more clearly. This method involves making a tiny incision on the side of the cornea using a hand-held microkeratome blade. Through this incision, our physicians will create a circular opening (capsulorrhexis) in the capsular bag that holds the lens. A process called phacoemulsification is then used to break up the lens with ultrasounic energy so the cataract-affected lens can be removed by vacuum.
To learn more about the ORA System, schedule a Cataract Evaluation in Oceanside, California, today.
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